
Are you a high school student interested in neuroscience? Do you want to learn more about how research is conducted? Well introducing our brand new research program! In this research program, you’ll be given the chance to explore a field of neuroscience alongside a group of your peers. Since this will be the first intro for many people, we’ll make sure to make this as easy to understand and walk you through the entire process.


You get a chance to work with a cohort of people who have similar interests. This will allow you to not only do a project you’re interested in but also network with like minded individuals.


You’ll get a chance to work on a research project tailored to your interest.


This research program will be based on your feedback and a lot of the workshops will be customized to fit the interests of students.

The research program will continue on for 13 weeks starting on 11th. From then onwards, the research program will consist of weekly workshops and it’ll all lead up to the students producing a very simple form of their very own research program. Candidates who complete the program will receive a certificate as well as knowledge they’ll be able to carry well into their futures. Sign ups are open until the 20th.

Sign ups now closed!

Are you interested in being a mentor or helping out with this project? We’re currently looking a few more mentors to come and assist with this program. Commitment is low and mentors will be given all the support needed. All that’s asked of the mentors is to engage with and help their mentees. All mentors will need to be at least university students as well as they’ll require some prior research experience. If you’re interested in being a mentor go here:

Sign up (now closed)

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