
What is a Neuronitiative?

A neuronitiative is the disease, or condition Neuro Health BC is focusing on for the next few months. We’ll be holding events centered around every neuronitiative. Join us as we take you and educate you on the many challenges people face in their everyday lives!

Neuronitiative #1

Cerebral Palsy

Our first Neuronitiative is Cerebral Palsy! CP is a set of disorders that affects movment. Follow along so we can educate you further on it!

The Story

The first individual studying cerebral palsy was Dr. John Little in 1853.

Little battled a long childhood of illness which led to his passion in aiding other children going through similar issues. Dr. Little focused on brain injuries and researched their impact on children which led him to discover CP which was referred to as “Little’s disease” back then.

In 1887 Sir William Olser further researched this illness and published a book called “Cerebral Palsies of Children” and changed the name from “Little’s Disease” to “Cerebral Palsy.” Later, other scientists gained interest in this topic and further investigated it. Freud, a renowned psychiatrist, was first to state that CP might be caused by abnormal development before birth which contrasts Little’s findings stating that the disease only occurs due to childbirth complications and lack of oxygen for the babies. Years later, research showed that cerebral palsy was caused by oxygen deprivation only around 10% of the time.

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